Certificate Issuance

1. The certificate of graduation or transcript may be printed at Academic Affairs Team (New Administration Bldg. 3rd floor), at an Automated Issuing Machine in the campus, or through the internet.

2. Issuing the document

  • 1)Types: Korean / English
  • 2)Automated Issuing Machine: Use any machine located in both campus (Seoul, ERICA)
  • 3)By mail: Log on to HY-in -> Certifications & Verification -> Official Paper Documents -> Apply for certificate issuance by mail -> make payment to designated account -> Certificate will be sent by fast registered mail
  • 4))Internet (Hard Copy): Log on to HY-in -> Certifications & Verification -> E-Verification -> Certificate Issuance -> Pay with credit card/mobile phone -> Print
  • 5))Internet (PDF file): Log on to HY-in -> Certifications & Verification -> E-Verification -> Digital Cerficiate -> Pay with credit card/mobile phone -> Download
    ※ If you need sending your documents from a school official to certain institution, please send your pdf documents to haksa@hanyang.ac.kr.
  • 6)Certificate of Enrollment / Certificate of Expecting Graduation can be issued after registering for the current semester

3. Updating Biographical Information

  • 1)To update any changes on the Biographical Information(name, date of birth), you can access HY-in website and change.
  • 2)Failing to update information on the Biographical Information may result in various disadvantage after graduation
  • 3)Photos registered on the Biographical Information may not be replaced.
    ※ Method
    HY-in à Login: ID/Password à My홈(My Home) à 기본설정(Basic Setting) à 신상정보 정정 (Correction on personal information)

    ※ Detailed Information about Automated Issuing Machine in the campus
Detailed Information
Place 1st floor, Community Room of Hanyang Plaza
1st floor of HIT (Hanyang Inistitute of Technology)
Digital Lounge In front of Student Union Bldg
Payment Credit Card, Debit Card, Transportation Card (No Cash Accepted)
Available Time 24 hours/day, Open year-round
Types Certificate of Graduation, Certificate of Expected Graduation, Certificate of Enrollment, Certificate of Leave of Absence, Academic Transcript, Certificate of Degree, Certificate of Expected Degree, Certificate of Achievement, Proof of Enrollment
Required Information Student ID No. , Alien Registration No. (If you don’t know student ID No., you can find your ID and Password on the bottom of Main Page of HY-in Portal )
  • ※ Fees: Enrolled Students - KRW500, Graduates - KRW1,000, English version- KRW1,000
  • Certificate of Scholarship (Kor/Eng), Receipt/certificate of tuition payment (Kor/Eng)
  • How to issue: Log on to HY-in → “증명발급(Certifications & Verification)” → “포털증명발급(무료)(Portal Verification)”
  • ※ For more details, log on to HY-in "Certifications & Verification" → "Certificate Info"