Course Registration for Foreign Students

1) Course Registration for New Students

  • : Students can register courses through the Internet (HY-in program).

2) Registration steps

  • Course Registration Site : Right Upper Banner on Hanyang Univ. Homepage (
  • Enter your ID(student number) and PASSWORD(Alien registration number)

    ** Please note that your initial password which is your alien registration number MUST be changed to your own password to protect your personal information.
    ** Those who cannot log on to HY-in or don't have their alien registration number, password is set as follows:
    For male students: Birthdate(YYMMDD)+5000000
    For female students : Birthdate(YYMMDD)+6000000
    e.g. if you are a student who were born in Oct. 13, 1983, male → 8310135000000, female → 8310136000000


    Course Registration

  • Then you are led to the main page of HY-in Portal
  • Click “수강신청 바로가기(course registration)” on pop-up page


    수강신청 바로가기

  • re-log on to the register section and read notice carefully



    ID, Password

  • Before register, click on “졸업사정조회(reference of graduation requirement)” to check which courses you need to take for graduation



  • Click on “기본수업(general required courses)” to see the list of the classes you are required to take in current academical year


  • Click on “희망수업(pre-registration for interesting course)” 메뉴 to pre-register the courses you want to take

    * Note : It’s a trial, so you have to do the actual registration regardless of the pre-registration



  • Click on “수강신청(Course registration)” menu

    ▶ Registration for Major course (전공신청)
    (1) Click on the button “수강신청(Course registration)” and select “학과과목(전공) Course(Major)” on the right side



    (2) Select your department and major → click on the button “조회(search)” → click on the “신청(register)” button of the course you want to take
    => you can see the notice box said “The register is succeeded”



    (3) Click on “신청내역(confirmation of course registration)" to check out the list of classes you have registered



    ▶ Registration for General elective course (교양신청)
    (1) Click on the button “수강신청(Course registration)” and select “공통과목(교양) General elective course”



    (2) Select any field you want and click on the button “조회(search)” → click on the “신청(register)” button of the course you want to take (The method to check the confirmation of course registration is the same with Major Course registration)



  • ⑨-1. You can register a course easily by entering the course code and click “신청 (register)” button



  • Click on “신청내역" to check out the time-table of classes you have registered



  • “HY-in” Portal → “MYHOME” → 성적/졸업사정조회(reference of grade /graduation requirement) → check which courses you need to take for graduation

