Health Care Benefits (for foreign students)

1. Student Health Care Center

Student Health Care Center
Campus Seoul
Location Student Union Hall 4th floor(02-2220-1466)
Opening Hours During Semester : 09:00 ~ 17:00 (Until 12 pm. on Saturdays)
During Vacation : 09:30 ~ 15:00
Lunch : 12:00 ~ 13:00

2. Using Hospitals

  • 1)Tips for using Hanyang University Hospital
    • a.Log in to the Web-site :
    • b.When you log in to HY-in, Go to 'Certification and Verification' on menu
    • c.'Certification and Verification' -> 'PORTAL verification'
    • d.Click '대학/대학원' on left side and '진료할인 의뢰서' on right side.
    • e.If you fill out and print a letter of request when visiting a hospital, you can be treated at 10~20% discount.
  • 2)Hospitals around Campus
    • Hanyang Univ. Medical Center : 02) 2290-8114
    • Seoul Central Hospital : 02) 2231-7761
    • Seoul Micro Hospital : 02) 2281-0010
    • Halla Eastern Medicine : 02) 466-5361
    • Halla Hospital : 02) 464-2700
    • Young Dong Hospital : 02) 469-0001
    • Dong In Hospital : 02) 2293-1121
    • Se Wang Hospital : 02) 2297-7272
    • Se Hwa Hospital : 031) 437-0114
    • Ansan Central Hospital : 031) 500-1114
    • Jung Orthopedic Hospital : 031) 409-3999
    • Korea Univ. Medical Center : 031) 412-5114