1. Obtaining Credits

  • a. All open courses during regular semesters (A minimum of 10 but under 20 credits per semester)
  • b. Cyber courses under virtual learning (One course every semester for two credits. Will be included as registered course credit)
  • c. Summer or winter semester classes.
  • d. Credit from social volunteer services program (Maximum of four credits up to graduation)
  • e. Obtaining credit from another university’s course through the credits exchange program during regular or seasonal semester
  • f. Acknowledging credit from language program (Overseas and domestic -Only officially recognized programs)
  • g. Exchange/Self-funded Overseas Program
    • Application for an exchange/self-funded overseas study program must be made during the assigned period and approved in order to have credits recognized.
    • During an exchange/self-funded study program, a maximum of 20 credits can be recognized.
  • h. Credits recognized from Local and Overseas Practicum
    • Industrial sites or facilities locally and overseas approved by the school and have agreed terms based on the programs can recognize credits after discussion with the head of the department in which the practicum is taking place.

2. Different Types of Credits

Credits earned at our school can be divided into the following:

수업 및 학점 관련 취득학점
General Education/Major Course Code Content
General Education Credits Mandatory General 111 Mandatory course that must be taken in order to graduate
Core General Education 711 General education courses that each college assigns a number of credits needed to graduate
General Courses 710 Other types of general education including freshmen and online courses
Major Courses Introductory Major 727 Students must fulfill all courses under this category to graduate
Intermediate Major 721 To graduate, students must fulfill the required number of credits under this category specified by their respective departments.
Advanced Major 722 To graduate, students must fulfill the required number of credits under this category specified by their respective departments.

※ Major courses outside the student’s department will be considered as general electives.

3. Classrooms

All buildings and classrooms on campus are coded, e.g. H005-0102. The H indicates that the building is in Seoul Campus, followed by the building’s unique number, 5. After the dash comes the classroom number, 102, where the first number refers to the floor of the room.

강의실 고유번호 리스트
Serial Number Buildings
H-001 Administration Building
H-002 Hanyang Plaza (Student Welfare bldg)
H-003 Paiknam Academic Information Center and Library
H-004 College of Social Sciences
H-005 Engineering Building I
H-006 College of Humanities
H-007 College of Medicine
H-008 College of Medicine I
H-009 College of Medicine Ⅱ
H-010 College of Music West Building
H-011 International Building
H-012 College of Education
H-013 Engineering Center
H-014 Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering Building
H-015 Hanyang University Medical Center
H-016 R.O.T.C. Headquarters
H-017 Business and Economics Building
H-018 Student Union
H-021 College of Music East Building
H-022 University Museum
H-023 Student Residence Hall
H-024 College of Medicine Lecture Hall
강의실 고유번호 리스트
Serial Number Buildings
H-025 Hanyang University Medical Center East Wing
H-026 Paiknam Concert Hall
H-027 Engineering Building Ⅱ
H-032 Olympic Gymnasium
H-033 Engineering Center Annex
H-034 College of Human Ecology
H-036 College of Natural Sciences
H-037 College of Law I
H-039 Student Residence Hall Ⅱ
H-040 Engineering Science and Technology Building
H-042 Alumni Association Building
H-043 College of Education Annex
H-046 R&D Building
H-047 College of Law Ⅱ
H-048 Hanyang Institute of Technology (HIT)
H-077 Information and Communications Building
H-088 College of Law Ⅲ
H-089 Business Administration Building
H-100 Fusion Technology Center (FTC)
H-101 Civil Engineering Building
H-222 Haengwon Square
H-953 Multidisciplinary Lecture Hall