Counseling for International Students

1. Introduction

Office of International Affairs (OIA) provides international students counseling programs concerning their studies, school life, scholarship, and other academic matters. Students are able to take psychological tests measurement and 1:1 counseling about what they feel in their school life. OIA supports your adaptation and helps you to resolve and overcome your difficulties in mind. We guarantee that your words on counseling is confidential

2. Program Overview

  • a. Individual counseling: A professional counselor will help you resolve problems that you do not know any solutions through regular one-to-one counseling.
    • Difficulty of adaptation on study abroad and college life
    • Difficulty on study
    • Problems on future career
    • Problems on relationship with others
    • Difficulty on family issues or personal problems
    • Psychological or affective problems that you cannot resolve by yourself, etc.
  • b. Group counseling: With a professional counselor you are able to talk with others who have similar problems, understand others, and resolve problems together as advisors.
    • Group counseling is going to be enforced through specific periods with notice via OIA website and email. So, if you find some interesting topics, please apply for the counseling.
  • c. Psychological Testing: Psychological testing is an objective tool to inform you individual psychological problems which you cannot understand and resolve in your daily life.
    • Characteristics examination: MBTI
    • Psychological/affective points: MMPI-2. SCT

3. Counseling application: Visit OIA or Call us

4. Available time: Monday to Friday (9:00~17:00)

5. Contact

  • Office of International Affairs(Seoul), Tel. 02-2220-2450