The Hanyang University ERICA Human Rights Center

The Hanyang University ERICA Human Rights Center is dedicated to safeguarding the human rights of Hanyang University members and fostering a culture of gender equality on campus.

❍ The Hanyang University ERICA Human Rights Center provides:

• Reporting, counseling, and remedies for victims of human rights violations, sexual harassment, and sexual violence.
• Education to enhance human rights awareness and gender sensitivity.
• Enhancement of institutional and regulatory frameworks to promote human rights and gender equality on campus.

❍ Counseling and Reporting:

• Types: Violations of human rights and discriminatory acts, Damages caused by sexual harassment and sexual violence.
• Subject: All members of the ERICA campus.
• Methods: In-person, phone, web page.
  - Phone: +82-31-400-4311
  - Web page:

❍ Education:

• Types: Human rights education, Violence prevention education.
• Methods: Phone, Web page(At least 2 weeks in advance)
 - Phone: +82-31-400-4337
 - Web page:

❍ Procedures:
  • Compulsory Education (Human Rights/Violence Prevention Education)

    - Education content: Human rights and prevention of four types of violence
    (Education Against Sexual Harassment and Violence, Education Against Domestic Violence, Education Against Sex Trafficking)

    - How to take the course: HY-in (portal) - MY Home - Mandatory Education - Human Rights and Violence Prevention Education

    - Contact: +82-31-400-4338
❍ Contact:

• LOCATION: 1F, Student Union bldg 
  - During semester, 09:00~17:00
  - During vacation, 10:00~17:00
• PHONE: +82-31-400-4311, 4337, 4338.