Former presidents

  • 1948.07 - 1973.05

    The 1st President, Kim Lyun-joon

    • Born in 1914
    • 1939 Yonhi College, Department of Liberal Arts
      1960 Honorary Doctor in Law, Yonsei University
      1972 Honorary Doctor in Law, University of Windsor, Canada
      1973 Honorary Doctor in Literature, Southern Illinois University, the U.S
      1985 Honorary Doctor in Literature, Shaw University, North Carolina, the U.S
      1988 Honorary Doctor in Music, Universite de ROUEN, France
      1988 Honorary Doctor in Music, Misery Kansas State University, the U.S.A.
  • 1973.05-1973.08

    The 2nd President, Lee Hae-nam

    • Born in 1901
    • 1937 Gwangdo University, College of Liberal Arts,European History, Japan
      1969 Ph. D. in Literature, Busan University
    • Published 11 books, Edited 11 texts
  • 1973.08 - 1975. 02

    The 3rd President, Lee Byung-hee

    • Born in 1909
    • 1935 Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Physiology
      1944 Tokyo University, College of Commerce, Japan
      1982 Honorary Doctor in Law, Yonsei University
    • Edited 60 domestic and 5 international books
  • 1975.08 - 1980.07

    The 4th President, Kim Lyun-joon

    • Born in 1914
    • 1939 Yonhi College, Department of Liberal Arts
      1960 Honorary Doctor in Law, Yonsei University
      1972 Honorary Doctor in Law, University of Windsor, Canada
      1973 Honorary Doctor in Literature, Southern Illinois University, the U.S
      1985 Honorary Doctor in Literature, Shaw University, North Carolina, the U.S
      1988 Honorary Doctor in Music, Universite de ROUEN, France
      1988 Honorary Doctor in Music, Misery Kansas State University, the U.S.A.
  • 1980.08 - 1985.02

    The 5th President, Lee Byung-hee

    • Born in 1909
    • 1935 Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Physiology
      1944 Tokyo University, College of Commerce, Japan
      1982 Honorary Doctor in Law, Yonsei University
    • Edited 60 domestic and 5 international books
  • 1985.02-1989.02

    The 6th President, Han Sang-jun

    • Born in 1921
    • Current Honorary Professor, Hanyang University.
    • 1948 Seoul National University, Physical Chemistry
      1958 Ph.D. in Science, University of Utah, the U.S.A. Member of Korean Chemistry Association
    • Edited 13 domestic and 9 international books
    • Published 4 domestic and 1 international book
  • 1989.02-1993.02

    The 7th President, Lee Hae-sung

    • Born in 1928
    • 1953 Hanyang University, Department of Engineering, Modern Architecture, Architectural Planning, & Architectural Design
      1984 Honorary Doctor in Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University
    • Honorary Director of Korea Association of Architecture History
      Honorary Director of Korean Institute of Architects
      Member of Japan Institute of Architects Current Honorary President
    • Hanyang University Edited 37 domestic books
    • Published 2 books, Translated 1 book
  • 1993.03-2011.03

    The 8th~12th President,Kim Chong-yang

    • Born in 1950
    • 1972 Yonsei University, Department of Education, Education Technology & Educational Administration
      1978 Master's degree in Educational technology, New York University
      1983 Ph.D. in Education, Columbia University
      1994 Honorary Doctor in Cultural Science, Institute of Far Eastern Studies, Russia
      1996 Honorary Doctor in Education, Maryville College
      2000 Honorary Doctor in Cultural Science,Waseda University
      2000 Honorary Doctor in Law, National Political University, Taiwan
    • Professor in Education Technology, Hanyang University
    • President of Korea Educational Technology Institute
      Chairman of KUSB (The Korea University Sports Board)
      Vice President of International human Rights League of Korea
      Vice Chairman of Korea Higher Education Studies
      Vice Director of Green Scout
      Vice Chairman of KOC (Korea Olympic Committee)
      Vice President of the Council of the President of the Private University
      Vice President of Korea Council of University Service
      Director of Korea-China Friendly Exchange Foundation
      Advisory Committee of Korea Council of Information Culture Movement
      Researcher in the Educational Technology and Computation Center, Teacher's College, Columbia University
      Member of the National Commission for Rebuilding Korea
      Member of Industrial Education Studies
      Member of Cyber Education Studies
      Member of Korea Future Studies
      Member of AECT
    • Edited 15 domestic and 8 international books
    • Published 3 books
  • 2011.03-2015.02

    The 13th President, Duck-Ho Lim

    • Born in 1954
    • 1982 B.A. in Economics, Hanyang University, Korea
      1986 Ph.D. in Economics, Rice University, USA
    • Edited 35 domestic books and 5 international books
    • Published 7 domestic books
    • President, Korean Association for Housing Policy Studies
      Advisor, Korean Association for Housing Policy Studies
      Chairman, Housing Price Review Committee, Seoul
      Chairman, the Facility Approval Board, the Real Estate Trust Company, the Financial Supervisory Service
  • 2016.03-2019.02

    The 14th President, Young Moo Lee

    • Born in 1954
    • 1977 B.S. in Polymer Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
      1979 M.S. in Polymer Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
      1986 Ph.D. in Fiber & Polymer Science, North Carolina State University, USA
    • Edited 286 international books and 110 domestic books
    • 60 patent applications
    • Published 5 domestic books
    • Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea
      Lifetime Member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology
      President of the 7th Aseanian Membrane Society (AMS)
      President of the Membrane Society of Korea
      Editor, Journal of Membrane Science
      Editor of the Journal of Membrane Science
  • 2019.03-2023.2.28

    The 15th President, Woo-Seung Kim

    • Born in 1957
    • 1981 B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
      1983 M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
      1989 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, North Carolina State University, USA
    • Executive Vice President and Provost for ERICA, Hanyang University
      Full member, National Academy of Engineering of Korea(NAEK)
      President of Korean Society for Industry & Academy Collaboration
      Member on National Science and Technology Council
      Editor of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
      Member on Presidential Committee on Balanced National Development
      Member on Presidential Committee on Education Innovation
  • 2023.03-present

    The 16th President, Ki-jeong Lee

    • Born in 1959
    • 1983 BB.A. in English, Hanyang University, Korea
      1985 M.A. in English, Hanyang University, Korea
      1990 M.A. in Linguistics,University of Minnesota, USA
      1992 Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Minnesota, USA
    • Executive Committee, International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
      Vice President, Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE)
      Chairman, International Education Quality Assurance System, Ministry of Education
      Chairman of Organizing Committee, 1st World Congress of Scholars of English Linguistics
      Chairman, Board of Korean Scholastic Aptitude Test
      President, The Phonology-Morphology Circle of Korea